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苏霍伊 Su-27S
苏霍伊 Su-27S
Photo by Royal Air Force | 2014-06-17 05:29:18 | RF-92407/11red;28red;QO-A/ZJ920 (cn 0067/BS011)
2014年6月17日,波罗的海附近国际空域,英国空军第3战斗机中队的“台风”战斗机拦截俄罗斯空军两架 Su-27S 战斗机,分别为“红色28”和“红色11”,两机都挂载了6枚导弹,分别是2枚R-73红外近距格斗导弹,2枚红外制导型R-27T中距空空导弹,2枚半主动雷达制导型R-27中距空空导弹(机腹挂架),英国战机则挂载了IRIS-T红外格斗导弹。此次被拦截的俄机还包括一架Tu-22轰炸机、一架A-50预警机以及一架An-26电子情报机。此类拦截是北约波罗的海空中警戒任务的一部分,波罗的海三国(爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛)于2004年3月29日加入北约,但因为他们没有独立空军力量,造成此地成为北约在空防上的一个漏洞,为了填补空防缺口,自2004年3月30日起,北约各国空军每三个月轮调一次,进驻立陶宛希奥利艾机场,对进入波罗的海上空无法识别的飞机进行拦截,驻防数量通常为4架战斗机以及50到100名地勤人员。(Image of two Russian SU-27 Flanker aircraft, seen with a RAF Typhoon fighter (distant).RAF Typhoons were yesterday (Tuesday 17 June) scrambled to intercept multiple Russian aircraft as part of NATO’s ongoing mission to police Baltic airspace.The Typhoon aircraft, from 3 (Fighter) Squadron, were launched after four separate groups of aircraft were detected by NATO air defences in international airspace near to the Baltic States.Once airborne, the British jets identified the aircraft as a Russian Tupolev Tu22 ‘Backfire’ bomber, four Sukhoi Su27 ‘Flanker’ fighters, one Beriev A50 ‘Mainstay’ early warning aircraft and an Antonov An26 ‘Curl’ transport aircraft who appeared to be carrying out a variety of routine training. The Russian aircraft were monitored by the RAF Typhoons and escorted on their way.The Typhoon pilots involved in the operation were Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Mark Long of 29 (Reserve) Squadron (the Typhoon operational training unit) and a French Air Force exchange pilot Commandant Marc-antoine Gerrard who is currently attached to 1(Fighter) Squadron.)
上传于:2014-06-20 01:12
2.56 MB
苏霍伊 Su-27S
苏霍伊 Su-27S
Photo by Royal Air Force | 2014-06-17 05:32:35 | 28red;QO-A/ZJ920 (cn 0067/BS011)
2014年6月17日,波罗的海附近国际空域,英国空军第3战斗机中队的“台风”战斗机拦截俄罗斯空军“红色28”Su-27S 战斗机,该机挂载了6枚导弹,分别是2枚R-73红外近距格斗导弹,2枚红外制导型R-27T中距空空导弹,2枚半主动雷达制导型R-27中距空空导弹(机腹挂架),英国战机则挂载了IRIS-T红外格斗导弹。此次被拦截的俄机还包括一架Tu-22轰炸机、一架A-50预警机以及一架An-26电子情报机。此类拦截是北约波罗的海空中警戒任务的一部分,波罗的海三国(爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛)于2004年3月29日加入北约,但因为他们没有独立空军力量,造成此地成为北约在空防上的一个漏洞,为了填补空防缺口,自2004年3月30日起,北约各国空军每三个月轮调一次,进驻立陶宛希奥利艾机场,对进入波罗的海上空无法识别的飞机进行拦截,驻防数量通常为4架战斗机以及50到100名地勤人员。(A Russian SU-27 Flanker (top) with a RAF Typhoon fighter.RAF Typhoons were yesterday (Tuesday 17 June) scrambled to intercept multiple Russian aircraft as part of NATO’s ongoing mission to police Baltic airspace.The Typhoon aircraft, from 3 (Fighter) Squadron, were launched after four separate groups of aircraft were detected by NATO air defences in international airspace near to the Baltic States.Once airborne, the British jets identified the aircraft as a Russian Tupolev Tu22 ‘Backfire’ bomber, four Sukhoi Su27 ‘Flanker’ fighters, one Beriev A50 ‘Mainstay’ early warning aircraft and an Antonov An26 ‘Curl’ transport aircraft who appeared to be carrying out a variety of routine training. The Russian aircraft were monitored by the RAF Typhoons and escorted on their way.The Typhoon pilots involved in the operation were Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Mark Long of 29 (Reserve) Squadron (the Typhoon operational training unit) and a French Air Force exchange pilot Commandant Marc-antoine Gerrard who is currently attached to 1(Fighter) Squadron.)
上传于:2014-06-20 01:03
3.77 MB
苏霍伊 Su-27S
苏霍伊 Su-27S
Photo by Royal Air Force | 2014-06-17 05:31:59 | 28red
2014年6月17日,波罗的海附近国际空域,英国空军第3战斗机中队的“台风”战斗机拦截俄罗斯空军“红色28”Su-27S 战斗机,该机挂载了6枚导弹,分别是2枚R-73红外近距格斗导弹,2枚红外制导型R-27T中距空空导弹,2枚半主动雷达制导型R-27中距空空导弹(机腹挂架),照片是“台风”飞行员使用佳能长焦卡片机拍摄的,照片可见俄军飞行员正转头查看英国战机。尽管只是普通的卡片机但在良好光线下照片画质还是不错的。此次被拦截的俄机还包括一架Tu-22轰炸机、一架A-50预警机以及一架An-26电子情报机。此类拦截是北约波罗的海空中警戒任务的一部分,波罗的海三国(爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛)于2004年3月29日加入北约,但因为他们没有独立空军力量,造成此地成为北约在空防上的一个漏洞,为了填补空防缺口,自2004年3月30日起,北约各国空军每三个月轮调一次,进驻立陶宛希奥利艾机场,对进入波罗的海上空无法识别的飞机进行拦截,驻防数量通常为4架战斗机以及50到100名地勤人员。(RAF Typhoons were yesterday (Tuesday 17 June) scrambled to intercept multiple Russian aircraft as part of NATO’s ongoing mission to police Baltic airspace.The Typhoon aircraft, from 3 (Fighter) Squadron, were launched after four separate groups of aircraft were detected by NATO air defences in international airspace near to the Baltic States.Once airborne, the British jets identified the aircraft as a Russian Tupolev Tu22 ‘Backfire’ bomber, four Sukhoi Su27 ‘Flanker’ fighters, one Beriev A50 ‘Mainstay’ early warning aircraft and an Antonov An26 ‘Curl’ transport aircraft who appeared to be carrying out a variety of routine training. The Russian aircraft were monitored by the RAF Typhoons and escorted on their way.The Typhoon pilots involved in the operation were Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Mark Long of 29 (Reserve) Squadron (the Typhoon operational training unit) and a French Air Force exchange pilot Commandant Marc-antoine Gerrard who is currently attached to 1(Fighter) Squadron.)
上传于:2014-06-20 00:50
2.45 MB
苏霍伊 Su-27S
苏霍伊 Su-27S
Photo by Royal Air Force | 2014-06-17 05:31:27 | RF-92407/11red
2014年6月17日,波罗的海附近国际空域,英国空军第3战斗机中队的“台风”战斗机拦截俄罗斯空军“红色11”Su-27S 战斗机,该机挂载了6枚导弹,外侧可见R-73红外近距格斗导弹和红外制导型R-27T中距空空导弹。照片是平飞的“台风”飞行员使用佳能长焦卡片机拍摄的。此次被拦截的俄机还包括一架Tu-22轰炸机、一架A-50预警机以及一架An-26电子情报机。此类拦截是北约波罗的海空中警戒任务的一部分,波罗的海三国(爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛)于2004年3月29日加入北约,但因为他们没有独立空军力量,造成此地成为北约在空防上的一个漏洞,为了填补空防缺口,自2004年3月30日起,北约各国空军每三个月轮调一次,进驻立陶宛希奥利艾机场,对进入波罗的海上空无法识别的飞机进行拦截,驻防数量通常为4架战斗机以及50到100名地勤人员。(A Russian SU-27 Flanker (top) with a RAF Typhoon fighter.RAF Typhoons were yesterday (Tuesday 17 June) scrambled to intercept multiple Russian aircraft as part of NATO’s ongoing mission to police Baltic airspace.The Typhoon aircraft, from 3 (Fighter) Squadron, were launched after four separate groups of aircraft were detected by NATO air defences in international airspace near to the Baltic States.Once airborne, the British jets identified the aircraft as a Russian Tupolev Tu22 ‘Backfire’ bomber, four Sukhoi Su27 ‘Flanker’ fighters, one Beriev A50 ‘Mainstay’ early warning aircraft and an Antonov An26 ‘Curl’ transport aircraft who appeared to be carrying out a variety of routine training. The Russian aircraft were monitored by the RAF Typhoons and escorted on their way.The Typhoon pilots involved in the operation were Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Mark Long of 29 (Reserve) Squadron (the Typhoon operational training unit) and a French Air Force exchange pilot Commandant Marc-antoine Gerrard who is currently attached to 1(Fighter) Squadron.)
上传于:2014-06-20 00:39
3.46 MB
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